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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Biochemistry - Donald Voet, Judith G. Voet - 4th Edition

Biochemistry is a field of enormous fascination and utility, arising, no doubt, from our own self-interest. Human welfare, particularly its medical and nutritional aspects, has been vastly improved by our rapidly growing understanding of biochemistry. Indeed, scarcely a day passes without the report of a biomedical discovery that benefits a significant portion of humanity. Further advances in this rapidly expanding field of knowledge will no doubt lead to even more spectacular gains in our ability to understand nature and to control our destinies. It is therefore essential that individuals embarking on a career in biomedical sciences be well versed in biochemistry.

1 comment:

  1. This blog provides great importance of biochemistry..Biochemistry includes the sciences of molecular biology; immunochemistry; neurochemistry; and bioinorganic, bioorganic, and biophysical chemistry..we will definitely take advantage of this book
